Hikari Shidou, Umi Ryuzaki and Fuu Hououji's school has a scheduled educational trip in Tokyo tower. They were from different private schools. When suddenly a beautiful voice of a woman was then heard by the three which seems that, the voice were calling for them.
Suddenly a bright light flashed in their eyes and they fall from the sky in another world called Cephiro. They met Master Mage Clef which explains to them that they were called for Cephiro to become Magic Knights to save Princess Emeraude, the voice they heard back in Tokyo. Master Mage Clef gave each of them power in which they must possess in order to be the Magic Knights.
Hikari, Umi and Fuu first need to go to presea the Master Smith to create their weapons, in which only themselves can touch it. They start their journey with the guidance of Mokona where it supplies all the things and informations they need.
In Cephiro, one's will has the ability to change reality for better or worse. The dark fears in people's hearts become monsters, while a well-intended wish can do miracles. One person, the Pillar, whose will is stronger than anyone else's, is responsible for maintaining through her prayers the well-being of Cephiro.
In the first story arc, the current Pillar, Princess Emeraude, has been captured by her high priest, Zagato. The three girls are charged with the task of saving the Princess by activating the three Rune-Gods . They are given a bizarre creature named Mokona to guide them on their journey. When the girls finally reach Emeraude, they learn that she had fallen in love with Zagato, hindering her ability to pray solely for Cephiro's well-being, and had summoned the Magic Knights to kill her since no one on Cephiro could harm the Pillar.
The second story arc deals with the complications caused by the first season's climax: three warring planets have begun their attempts to conquer Cephiro and a new Pillar must be chosen before the whole planet is destroyed. Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu are once again summoned to Cephiro. In the manga it is later discovered that the mysterious Mokona is responsible for their being summoned back to Cephiro, and he is, in fact, the creator of both the Earth and Cephiro. In the anime they return to Cephiro because of their (especially Hikaru's) strong desire to do so.
Eventually, Hikaru is chosen to become thenew Pillar. However, she rebels against the Pillar system, deciding that the fate o
f the planet should not be the responsibility of only one person, effectively preventing that person from ever being able to live and love freely.Hikaru, Fuu and Umi return to earth leaving everything and everyone behind, even their loved ones.
Hikari Shidou has the magic power of "soul of fire".
When the world of Cephiro needs a new Pillar, Hikaru and Eagle has
successfully prove that they were qualified to be the new Pillar. Eagle is the strongest captain of the machine FTO that came from Autozam, another country, who also wants to invade Cephiro and also targeted the Pillar system.
In the end, Hikaru was chosen to be Pillar of the world Cephiro.She is against on how the Pillar systemworks and she changes it with her own power of great will. She doesn't want to experience another failure of a person who can't love freely like Princess Emeraude, that caused the Cephiro in a destruction. She wants to have freedom to all the people of Cephiro to do everything they want and to feel whatever they need to feel.
Hikaru is lovable person. She has three older brothers who takes care of her and gives her so much love and protection, because they doesn't want to see their little sister to have a lonely face.
Hikaru was defined cute by all the guys she met, especially her brothers.
Hikaru is also an adventurous person. She wants to explore places that she still don't know.
Hikaru became the leader of the three because she possess such strength to defeat their enemies in their strongest point. When they were brought in Cephiro and needs to fight monsters, Hikaru first shows her ability and fearlessness in fighting. And when Umi and Fuu were in trouble, she always give her full strength that will be enough to save them.
Hikaru is such a worrywart person because she always worries about her friends when they get injured in their battles. She doesn't want to see her friends get wounded because she doesn't want to lose them.
Hikaru then fell in love with the younger brother of Zagato, Lantis. They met when Hikaru, Umi and Fuu were once again called in Cephiro.
Umi Ryuzaki has the magic power of "elegance of water".
Umi is an excellent fencing player. In their school, she was taught by her master that she idolized the most.
When they were called in Cephiro, she immediately wants to go back home because she suddenly remembered that she still got a national competition in fencing the following week.
At first, she doesn't want to accept the reality that she and the other girls who were called with her, needs to save the princess of this other world. She is uncaring at this time. She also disagree of becoming one of the Magic Knight. She don't listen to any word Master Mage Clef was saying. And the worst is that she says bad words to the master mage.
She was scared to fight the monsters at first, buthen she saw that Hikaru and Fuu were greatly and mercilessly wounded by the second attempt of Alcyone to kill them, she became angry and gather all her strength to fight Alcyone. She then become a fiery yet beautiful and elegant knight.
In their fight with the young Ascot, she scolded him that he must not follow the orders of Zagato if he really love and treasure his monster friends. If truly he loves them then he should not let them get hurt. Umi learned that Ascot's monster friends were being discriminated that's why Ascot doesn't have the self-esteem to befriend with other people and also the reason why he loves his monster friends so much.
Umi is the only child of a rich family. She loves both her parents so much that she don't want them to get hurt. She is a good daughter to them.
Umi is quick-tempered and at most times, Umi involved fights with Mokona.
The cute guidance of the Magic Knights.
Umi is slightly ballistic at some times.
In their second appearance in Cephiro, three countries want to invade Cephiro and one of it is the Chizeta. Chizeta was being led by the princesses Tatra and Tarta.
Umi was kidnapped by them in a fight. She fought them in a sword fight in order to get back in Cephiro. But before that, she befriends with the princesses, whoalso accept her.
When they were called in Cephiro for the second time, Ascot had already grown up. Umi doesn't know that Ascot always remember all the teachings that he got from her when she was lecturing Ascot on how to show his love for his monster friends. Ascot was secretly in love with Umi.
But Umi, was also secretly in love with Clef.

Fuu Hououji has the magic power of "strength of wind".
When they were sent in Cephiro and was informed by Master Mage Clef the reason why they are in this other world, Fuu greatly understood it, but she is still in doubt of what was really happening.
Fuu is a highly intelligent and also logical. She also states the obvious when she found about them.Fuu specializes in archery. When she was captured by Lady Aska of Fahren, she deals with her that when she win in the archery battle, she is allowed to go back to Cephiro and when she is defeated, she will stay. Fortunately, she focus herself in the battle so she won. But she still befriends with Lady Aska.
Fuu is a very polite person. She would address a man with Mister and a woman with a Miss.
On their quest to the Forest of Silence that leads them to the place of the Escudo, they met a young and handsome but mysterious swordsman named Ferio.
Ferio help them in fighting the monsters in the forest because they were not skilled enough to face those monsters. He also told them that they might need them in finding the Eternal Spring. But the girls assured him that they can find it by themselves. Actually they have their doubts in the intention of Ferio in helping them.
Ferio first told them that he is just a hunter in search of a monsters. But later on, he told them that he just need them to find his place out of the forest. Hikari and Umi has still doubts of Ferio. Fuu analyze Ferio very well and clearly tell the truth about his real intention.
That day, Fuu realized that Ferio had already made a spot in her heart. And she thinks that Ferio also has the same effect of her in him for he gave Fuu a token i nwhich he said can grant a wish.
On the second appearance of Ferio, the magic knights were be
ing attacked by Ascot. Ferio used the chance in befriending Ascot and he promised Ascot that he will lead the magic knights to the desert where their enemy waits.
As he successfully done it, the magic knights immediately realized that they were deceived by Ferio. Hikari and Umi were very angry and don't understand why Ferio do this to them. Fuu, on the other hand, was shocked that Ferio could do this kind of thing to them. But when they were almost swallowed by the sand, Ferio saved them. Because of this, Ascot made Ferio as a hostage in freeing the magic knights. That night, Fuu couldn't sleep because she was thinking about Ferio. Fuu alone decided to rescue Ferio from Ascot. She managed to save Ferio and before they continue on their journey, Ferio confess his love to Fuu.
at first, it is a very sad love story of Princess Emeraude..
the Pillar can't love anyone because (s)he can lose her focus in Cephiro and that's the reason of the destruction of Cephiro..
I am a bit mad at Zagato, but I learned that he desire to kill the magic knights because he don't want the magic knights to kill Princess Emeraude.
wow! what a teary-eyed and touching love story they have..
not free to love anyone?..
it hurts :(
♫ i really like magic knight umi...
ReplyDeletebecus she`s so g0rge0us and eLegant...
i want master mage cLef f0r her..hehe...♫